Students who are unable to maintain a satisfactory performance within the structure of the Gifted and Talented program may be placed on furlough by the campus counselor or Campus Selection Committee. The district’s furlough form must be completed and sent to the Advanced Academics Coordinator for approval. A furlough also may be granted at the request of the parent or guardian. A student may be furloughed for one school year. At the end of the furlough, the student’s progress will be reviewed by the Campus Selection Committee. At that time, the student may re-enter the GT program or exit completely from the program. It is not recommended that a student remain on furlough for more than one year.
Student performance in the Gifted and Talented program is monitored for satisfactory progress. Before determining removal from the program, a conference with the parent/guardian, school counselor, and Advanced Academics Coordinator must be held. Once this conference takes place, information will be shared with the Campus Selection Committee to determine the best placement for the student. If a parent or guardian requests removal from the program, a written request from the parent must be submitted to the Advanced Academics Coordinator.
A parent or student may appeal any final decision of the Campus Selection Committee regarding selection for or removal from the Gifted and Talented program. Appeals should be made to the Campus Selection Committee and to the Advanced Academics Coordinator. Any subsequent appeals shall be made in accordance with FNG (LOCAL) beginning at Level Two.