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BISD Board Lowers School Tax Rate

The Bridgeport ISD Board of Trustees voted during a special meeting Monday to lower the overall school tax rate by 13 cents per $100 assessed valuation for this next school year. The $1.06117 rate was reduced to $0.92969 at the recommendation of the BISD Administration and financial advisors. 

Due to the amount of funding necessary to pay off the district’s remaining bonds by summer of 2025, the administration recommended decreasing the I&S tax rate to $0.26279, from the current rate of $0.39197. In addition, the BISD administration also recommended decreasing the M&O tax rate to $0.6669, from the current rate of $0.6692 based on the maximum compressed rate established by the state.

The breakdown of the new proposed tax rate, and comparison to 2023, is shown below:

  2023 2024
Maintenance & Operations $0.6692 $0.6669
Interest & Sinking $0.39197 $0.26279
Total Tax Rate $1.06117 $0.92969

“Paying off past bond debt is a priority of this administration, and will allow us to save thousands of dollars in interest for the local taxpayers,” said Superintendent Dr. Amy Ellis. “The Board’s vote shows their fiscal responsibility to the community and still allows for capacity for future maintenance and safety-related facility projects to serve the students of Bridgeport ISD.”