Bridgeport News Stories
At the Jan. 12 School Board Meeting, the Board of Trustees approved the Bridgeport ISD Strategic Plan. This plan is for 2025-2030 and outlines goals and work for the future of Bridgeport ISD regarding academics, staffing, finances and facilities.
The Strategic Planning process began last fall, when the district conducted a community engagement survey, seeking input from all families, staff, students and community members about their experiences in Bridgeport ISD. Nearly 500 responses were submitted and served as a springboard for the creation of Bridgeport ISD’s first strategic plan.
In October, a Strategic Planning Committee was formed, made up of over 55 parents, staff members, students and community members. The committee met regularly through the fall semester, working hand in hand with administrators to develop the district’s strategic plan.
Through this process, the committee worked diligently to reshape the district's mission and vision, as well as created the Bridgeport ISD Learner Profile and Learner Outcomes. Take a deeper look at the new Bridgeport ISD Strategic Plan here.